Budget-Friendly Tips for Fitting a Fantastic Home Office Into Your Small Home

Written by Leslie Campos

If you work from home, chances are you know the importance of having a dedicated workspace that facilities creativity and productivity. The lack of such a workspace can make it difficult to stay focused and get things done. The problem that many people encounter, however, is that they think their home is too small and/or cramped to add an office, but this is often not the case. You can fit an adequate home office in the smallest of spaces, and it doesn’t even have to cost you a lot of money. If you want to create a beautiful office in your small home that meets your everyday work needs, here are some budget-friendly tips to get you started.

Consider the Location 

There are many places you can put your home office. The most important thing to consider is that you don’t want a lot of foot traffic where you work (so, the living room or other space where people congregate might not be ideal). Think of somewhere you will be able to concentrate, whether that’s in a corner of your kitchen, a guest bedroom or the garage. Some people even convert unused closets into a nifty workspace. 

Consider the Equipment

Perhaps the most important aspect of your home office will be having the right equipment. Put the bulk of your budget toward getting a good chair and desk. You also want to make sure you have any other equipment you need, whether that means a computer, printer, fax machine, or anything else that helps you fulfill your daily tasks. Check out retailers like Amazon and Best Buy to do price comparisons, and you may even find promotional offers. 

Think Vertically 

When you’re trying to do a lot with a small area, vertical space is your best friend. Take advantage of all that wall space, and if you’re setting up shop in a closet or other nook, you can even utilize the space above the door. Put in attractive IKEA shelving that goes high up the wall, and use the space underneath your desk. This way, you can maximize your storage space without compromising the floor space in your home. 

Keep It Tidy

You also want to make sure you can keep your home office tidy. This starts from the beginning. When you’re setting up your office, be sure not to overcrowd the space. Add a few creative storage solutions, and get a good cable management system (e.g., zip ties, bread clips, wire sleeves, etc.) to keep cords out of the way. You can find inexpensive systems at stores like Target, and when you shop online, you can usually find discounts or promotions. Also, regularly declutter and clean your office; this can do wonders in reducing stress levels and maximizing productivity. Be sure to make your living quarters more optimal by staying organized and engaging in healthy habits to keep yourself in a positive headspace. 

You don't need to spend a lot of money to create a legitimate office space in your home. Pick a solid location for the office, and make sure you have all the equipment you need. Also, utilize vertical space, and set up your office so that it’s easy to keep it clean and tidy. In no time, you’ll have a workspace that allows you to work freely and efficiently.

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