Entrepreneurs Can Manage Self-Care and a Busy Schedule with This Guide

Written by: Katie Conroy

Self-care is important no matter how busy we are, but it can be a hard lesson for some entrepreneurs to learn. When you’re running a business and have lots of responsibilities to manage every day, it can be a challenge to set aside time for yourself. Unfortunately, this can lead to exhaustion pretty quickly, leaving you feeling tired and uninspired.

The good news is that self-care doesn’t have to take up too much time or money; in fact, it can be easy to work in once you know how. Of course, for busy entrepreneurs, self-care also includes reducing work-related stress; here are a few tips -- brought to you by Get Laced Laces -- on how to get started.

Set some boundaries

Boundaries are crucial to our mental health. When you’re running a business, you’re likely wearing many different hats, which leads to long work hours even after you’ve gone home for the day. Set some personal limits and rules about not answering emails or phone calls after a certain time, and talk to your employees about what you need in order to be the best boss you can be. This might mean working remotely on occasion or taking a few vacation days. Set firm office hours so you can be as productive as possible with few interruptions. The more you can do to lessen stress, the easier it will be for you to run your business effectively.

Learn to relax

Relaxing doesn’t come easily to some, and if you find it too difficult to take time away from work at the moment, it’s important to at least learn how to stop and take a deep breath. Meditation is a simple, effective way to push aside the day for a few moments, focus on your breathing, and keep stress and anxiety from working their way in. The best thing about meditation is that it’s a simple process that can be done anywhere, from your office to your car, so you can easily take a few minutes to get centered during a particularly busy day.

Head outside

Whether it’s via a walk in the park, a hike on your favorite trail, or a camping trip, spending time in the great outdoors is a surefire way to reduce stress and anxiety. So, find some time to disconnect for a bit and take in everything the natural world has to offer. But before you go, make sure you have the right equipment. Check out reviews and ratings of camping and hiking gear so you don’t overspend on dud equipment. Once you have everything you need, you can hit the trails and truly enjoy your time away from the hustle and bustle of your daily life.

Get your body moving

Regular exercise is just as important for your mental health as reducing stress. Not only does it boost your confidence and help alleviate the effects of depression, but it also allows you to expend extra energy, which can help to reduce anxiety. You don’t have to buy a gym membership if your time is too limited to make it worthwhile; simply going for a walk, practicing some yoga poses, or engaging in a fun activity such as dancing or playing a sport can help you feel better. Use an armband to bring your phone along so that you can track your health goals and stay energized throughout your workout with your favorite high energy playlist. Get the perfect set of laces from Get Laced Laces, lace up your running shoes, and get moving!

Get organized

Disorganization, clutter, and general chaos can leave you feeling tired, anxious, and stressed even if you’re doing all you can to focus on your physical and mental health. Take some time to get things in order — both at home and at the office — and look for time-saving methods that will allow you to feel in control of your day. Set realistic goals for yourself and your business, and take a second look at things like your training model or payment systems to see if they’re as streamlined as they could be. Sometimes the little things really add up when it comes to eliminating stress.

Taking care of yourself isn’t just crucial for your wellbeing, it also allows you to be more confident and on top of your game. There are several ways to promote your own wellness, so be patient as you try different methods to feel better and see what works for you.


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